Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'm a LOSER!!!!!

OK, I last night I started a new adventure :) I am participating in the Clinton County Biggest Loser Program!!!! So from 9/2/08 until 11/21/08 I am going to be striving EXTRA hard to loose weight and tone and shape-up. Just like the show there are weekly challenges, prizes that get better and better as time goes on. So for now I'm not going to post start weight (little embarrassing). But I'll keep you posted on what I am loosing so you can cheer me on. There are like 80 people participating in the contest......I hope they BRING IT cause I'm going to WIN!!!!! Course even if I don't win the grand prize I'll still win for the fact of I'll feel better and will have a better and happier life!!!
So send me your notes of encouragement as it will help!!!!


Anonymous said...

YAY KRISTI!!! I'm so excited for you!!! You can do it....never quit!! LOVE YOU!!

Jen said...

That is so cool! I love that show; I'm so excited for its return in a couple of weeks. Good luck....80, but just like the show, even if you don't "win," you'll still win!
You know, I didn't even make the connection that you now have a blog until you left the second message on mine :-)

Kristi said...

hehe...that's ok :)

thecolonelswife said...

You go girl!!! Win it...goooo, Kristi!

How are things? Your kids sure have gotten big! I don't think I've ever met them, but I keep up with the family through Kim & Katrina.

You can "catch" up with us via our blog

Christa (Luper) Sanders